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Re: how to balance family and career - 未名空间精华区
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Re: how to balance family and career

发信人: liuyue (不胖||暴走战士打盹儿中), 信区: Parenting
标 题: Re: how to balance family and career
发信站: Unknown Space - 未名空间 (Fri Feb 11 21:44:09 2005) WWW-POST

well... i just came back from a new faculty consortium. and one of the big
discussions there is related to this.

according to one of the big guys there,
how to balance teaching and research, family and career --- it's simple, we
are built to be multitasked. :p

other advices includes:
prioritize: what do you think it's the most important thing in your life? to
have a successful career, what is the thing you are willing to sacrifize? does
it worth it?
clarify your value, your mission, so that you know where you are going.
only about 1% of the papers written will get published. get use to it.
caffein helps.
if you'd like, i can share the handout i get from there.

personally, i think you are just too hard on yourself.

【 在 edge (有子万事足) 的大作中提到: 】
: survive in both :(
: stressful to death now, wanna run away from everything :(
: 【 在 wwh (歪歪糊) 的大作中提到: 】
: : what's ur goal?
: : outstanding in both? hard, very hard
: : normal/ok in both, easy, hehe
: : 【 在 edge (有子万事足) 的大作中提到: 】
: : : when there's no help available? or that's simply impossible?




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